Friday, April 18, 2008

Chicks, Bunnies, Eggs and all things Spring

In early March I teamed up with Petrullo Floral Design to welcome spring in, with so much snow and so many storms this winter it was nice to think of bright colours, animals and kids! With easter baskets, fake chicks, bunnies and some old props we turned a corner of Petrullo Floral Design into a set that looked like a corner that time forgot. The photo shoot was a great success and the prop closet is already filling up with props for both a Fall and Christmas shoot!

Friday, April 11, 2008


A new meaning to Engagement Photographs
Traditionally engagement photographs occur after the proposal to not only capture that time, but also as a test run for the potential wedding photographer to photograph the couple before the wedding. A relatively new trend has emerged in Canadian wedding photography, photographing the actual wedding proposal, although this type of photography now coined “engagerazzi” has been popular in the US and Austrailia for a few years and is now slowly catching on here. The idea behind this is to have paparazzi like photographs taken of the proposal, the photographer hides and takes shots as the proposal happens either revealing themselves at the end or having the photographs arrive a short time after surprising the bride to be. My first request came a few weeks back, Kris wanted to surprise his now fiancée Christine at the location where they first met, after numerous emails back and forth we devised a plan that captured the moment and most importantly the emotional response, including a few tears, from Christine.

First Birthday!

Happy First Birthday Madison
A request came in mid February from a new mother to have her daughter Madison’s first birthday party photographed. I jumped at this opportunity, what could be more fun than a group of barely toddlers, cake and a clown to capture some great candids. Unlike some children who are shy when a stranger, especially a stranger holding a large object in front of their face, enters their space Madison was anything but camera shy. A few hours spent following a handful of toddlers around the house resulted in some great shots.

Mississauga Potters

In February I was asked by the Mississauga Potters Guild to photograph the guild, potters and their work for their promotional material. Shooting at the guild was an interesting experience as there was limited space and to obtain the best shots I was standing on chairs, and even on top of where all of the pottery wheels are stationed! Although we got some great shots my favorite shot of the day came when I spilled a pot filled with pottery tools, the way the tools came out of the pot could not have been staged any better! The guild requested that images be made available in both colour and black and white this gave me the opportunity to play with some new black and white techniques.
If you are in Mississauga April 24-25-26 don’t miss their annual sale!